About Us

NetConfig is an idea founded by Desuup Thinley Jamtsho in collaboration with Desuup Rinchen Phuntsho, Desuup Tshering Tobgay and Desuup Pema Wangyel after completing their Desuung Skilling Program in ‘Network and System Administration’. Main concept is to know what modernization means through every single household on important of network via connectivity. Your connection is your safety that led to your peaceful life.

Foundation of this idea is simply focusing on connectivity and safety of Bhutanese peoples in terms of management, concerning, empathy etc… we compresence with network connection, CCTV installation, maintenance and supply of networking devices.

Our Vision

Make used of skilled youth to implement their knowledge and skills with the effective growth of internet facilities in country.

“An inspiring quote from a company Employee / owner”
Name of Employee / Owner

Our Team

Thinley Jamtsho


Rinchen Phuntsho

Marketing and Administration Head.

Thinley Tobgay

Network Head

Pema Wangyel

CCTV head

Why Choose Us

We focus on getting your job done quickly